I disagree with the [other answer][1] that the objective is impossible on devices running a stock ROM, and that it cannot be achieved without root access.

For Samsung devices, [Good Lock][2] (available in Galaxy Store), an app from Samsung made [available only in few countries][3], can do what you want. It runs on stock Galaxy devices  and does not need root access. Here's what to do. Download Good Lock from the linked app store. Run *Quickstar* from the menu. 

It is reasonably easy to follow it. If you are unable to follow it, then search Youtube for *Good Lock*. It should help out.

My experience with Sony devices I have ever had concludes that Sony devices don't support the feature you are after. I can't speak for other brands.

  [1]: https://android.stackexchange.com/a/225463/96277
  [2]: https://galaxystore.samsung.com/detail/com.samsung.android.goodlock
  [3]: https://news.samsung.com/global/good-lock-customize-the-way-you-use-your-galaxy-smartphone