Based on quick testing, **disabling every possible permission on Play Store and Play Services still allow users to purchase download apps from Play Store.**

Referring to the Open GApps [Pico package]( for the absolute minimum GApps installation:

- Google System Base (invisible?)
- (Google) Android Shared Library: no permissions requested, cannot be disabled
- **Google Play Store**: only requires Files and media
- Google Calendar Sync: unrelated to Play Store
- Dialer Framework: unrelated to Play Store
- (Google) Package Installer: no permissions requested, cannot be disabled
- **Google Play Services**: only requires Physical activity, though unrelated to Play Store, cannot be disabled
- Google Text-to-Speech: unrelated to Play Store
- Android Auto stub: unrelated to Play Store

However, **this only guarantees app purchase and installation**. Apps that rely on Google Play Services might not work correctly without additional allowed permissions.