I know there are already a lot of threads about suggestions on [how to improve performance][1]  and, strongly related, [save battery life][2] on your android. I also have tried most of the tools to diagnose problems (eg. WatchDog).

Problem is, my brand new HTC Desire HD will often be snappy and responsive, sometime get a few slow downs, and not-so-rarely start being completely unresponsive, as bad as my previous iPhone 3G which I gave away for exactly that reason.
Also, battery would last less than 24hours even with extremely little use of the display (a huge battery drainer indeed), with background-data and auto-sync on, without GPS and with half of the time WiFi connection and for the rest WiFi off.

WatchDog is usually not seeing anything weird. No process seems taking a huge hit on the CPU even when the phone is acting slowly; just today I got a first warning - HTC Sense Background 99.9%.

So I would like to go a bit deeper in my debug. I /could/ uninstall all applications I installed, but I'd rather understand what is really causing the problem.

So this is the real question: how can I better debug what's going on inside my Android?

Does anybody have some tutorial/tools/suggestions?

I guess going with [adb][3] from my PC might provide more information, any hint/feedback?

_Some additional information after feedback from DarthNoodles..._
NB. I'm not putting it here to 'debug' my own phone on this forum, just to provide comparison information!

standard Battery Consumption info

If i've been using the phone, i get 'Display' to take most of the battery usage - ~60% on average (is that too much?).

If not, it's 'Android OS' which takes on average about 60%, and 'Android System' usually about 10-15%

There usually is no installed application appearing there

hidden debug

hey that's great! I might not have yet learned about everything but i'll try to write down what I see...

Since it has a graphical, not numerical display I'll rate '100' the first, longest bar and make an estimation of the other ones.

**CPU usage**

(for all time of timing a get a similar distribution)

 - 'init'  has a HUGE blue+red bar; Android System comes 2nd with a tiny 1px blue bar

**Partial wake usage**

_Total Time_

 - 'HTC Sense' 100 blue bar
 - 'Android System' 30 blue bar
 - less for the rest

_Since last unplugged_

 - 'Android System' 100 blue bar
 - 'HTC Sense' 30 blue bar
 - 'Mail' 5 blue bar
 - ...
 - 'UID 10013' 'partial Wakelock' ~2 blue bar!

**Other Usage**

_Total all time_

 - Running      35.8%
 - Screen on    11.1%
 - Phone on      0.8%
 - Wifi On      41.6%
 - Wifi Running 41.6%
 - BlueTooth On  6.6%

_Since last unplugged_

 - Running      37.5%
 - Screen on     3.8%
 - Phone on      1.8%
 - Wifi On      45.8%
 - Wifi Running 45.8%

I am under the impression that it's HTC Sense or some other android process that is taking my resources... but I don't really understand why yet...


Getting some warnings for 'com.htc.bgp' taking too much cpu (~55%)


  [1]: http://android.stackexchange.com/questions/3986/general-tips-on-improving-overall-performance-of-android-phone
  [2]: http://android.stackexchange.com/questions/476/what-can-i-do-to-increase-battery-life-on-my-android-phone
  [3]: http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/adb.html