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Results for mms group messages
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11 votes
3 answers

Send SMS instead of MMS when texting multiple people

When I put more than one person as the recipient to my message my Samsung Galaxy S3 vibrates and says it's converting to MMS. … When I send my message I know at least one person is not getting the message. However that person can send me a group message and I can see it is as a SMS instead of MMS. …
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8 votes
2 answers

Sending single SMS message to multiple contacts causes MMS

(Android 4.1.1) Every time I send a single message to multiple contacts at the same time, the message will be sent as MMS rather than SMS, even though it is a normal text message (not too many words). … I went over all settings but can't seem to find anything that disables MMS for group messaging? …
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why does Google Messages (SMS/MMS) app lose phone number?

MMS Messages Are Affected This affects my MMS messages (specifically when I'm in a group message). … The thing that happens is that the phone doesn't know my number so when I send a message to the group it believes there is another receiver and that receiver has my phone number so I receive my own message
raddevus's user avatar
  • 169
2 votes
2 answers

Messenger - How to not automatically turn group messages into MMS?

How do I prevent the lollipop (5.1) from turning my group messages into MMS? I have some friends who can't receive MMS so this is a bit peeving. …
Peter vermeiren's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Adjusting between Group & Single text messaging on Galaxy S4

So if my main setting on my Motorola was to send individual text messages, I was still able to receive group messages as a group and the default was to respond individually, but I had the option to respond … With my Samsung if I disable MMS then I am only able to see who sent me the message but not everyone who was included so I am not able to respond all. …
Missy's user avatar
  • 21
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1 answer

(feature discontinued) Google Hangouts phone app: How to start a group SMS where one of the ...

message to both of them. … I know that Joe can receive SMS or Hangouts, but Mary only has the capability to send/receive SMS/MMS. How can I ensure my message is compatible for Mary? …
Mr. Mike's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes
2 answers

Android 5.1 & Group SMS in Messenger defaults to MMS

Am I right in thinking that as of Lollipop 5.1 all group messages sent via Messenger are sent via MMS? … In prior versions I had the choice to send them as multiple SMS messages, which is what I want as my contract gives me unlimited SMS messages but charges me per MMS. …
Stuart Grimshaw's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

MMS (send & recieve) stopped working last month on Moto X

I'm trying to debug an issue with my wife's Moto X: she sends/receives SMS (individual texts) just fine, but MMS (photos & group texts) fail to send or receive. …
Jeff Fry's user avatar
  • 121
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1 answer

Intermittent failure to receive SMS and MMS messages

I noticed an issue in mid December where a few messages in a row that were sent in a group MMS were never received on my phone. A few days ago, I had the same issue with an SMS message sent to me. … What steps can I take to ensure I don't lose any incoming MMS or SMS messages in the future? …
ttshaw1's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
2 answers

How to read contact details sent from iphone?

When someone with an iPhone sends me a contact, it appears as a blank MMS message. … I found that this happens because group chat is on on their end, but these people are not always my friends, so I can't tell them to turn it off. Is there a way to read these messages? …
IttayD's user avatar
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0 votes
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LG G3 - 4.4.2 - Stop SMS converting to MMS

I used to have Nexus 4, I was able to disable SMS converting to MMS. It did not convert my messages to MMS when I do group messaging. … Now I have LG G3 with Andorid 4.4.2, when when I do group messaging, it sends it as MMS automatically. i went to Messaging Menu - Creation Mode - Set it to "Restricted". it still does that. …
user1546529's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Samsung Galaxy s5 receiving MMS as group messages?

I have a new Samsung Galaxy s5 which I like however when a single contact decides to message me an MMS (picture/video) my messages start a whole new message thread as a 'Group message'. … I just want the single message thread to continue with the same person when I received a MMS (picture/video) from that contact. Is there a way of making this happen via settings or something? …
Andrew C. Duarte's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Droid Turbo Won't Receive Texts

This is more apparent in group messages. Also, most of the time when I send a text message to someone it will tell me that it failed to send even if they actually received it. … I don't think it's the carrier because no one else on my plan is having problems, and I will often get a notification on my phone saying "MMS Timeout - click to retry" and then I click and it doesn't do …
Scott Hampton's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

MMS messages go into a group conversation with sender and my own number instead of the regul...

If Alice sends me an MMS, it appears outside of that conversation, as a group conversation with Alice and my own phone number as participants. …
user273596's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I have a long string of group SMS/MMS messages on my Google Pixel 3 How can I back them up t...

Long story short, I need to capture the entire group text chain stored on my pixel 3 and get it a computer so we can submit the entire chain to our attorney. … Unfortunately testing indicates the suggested duplicate doesn't appear to apply to MMS.. …
Elder Geek's user avatar

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