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Most Android devices have a built-in GPS receiver. GPS stands for Global Positioning System, and is a space-based satellite navigation system mainly used to obtain the device's current location, but it also provides time information.

8 votes
2 answers

What are the implications of doing fastboot erase modemst1?

I soon discovered that the GPS wasn't working on Cyanogenmod, some searching quickly revealed that this is a known problem. … Because I don't use GPS very often and because I haven't really needed it yet, it didn't really bother me too much and I was hoping it would get fixed in a future update. …
5 votes

What are the implications of doing fastboot erase modemst1?

I ended up taking the risk after all other "fix GPS" methods failed and I can report that it was successful and to my knowledge had no side effects, like the ones reported with other devices. …
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