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The act of moving a file or a set of files from one device to another through the use of common techniques such as USB, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.

4 votes

Quickly send file from phone to PC via internet?

GTalkSMS is able to send, browse and download files from your android phone via XMPP (gTalk). It's also a remote SMS notifier and has various other features. Note: According to the FAQ I have to disc …
Flow's user avatar
  • 18.5k
3 votes

Any way to push files onto android phones?

GTalkSMS is able to send, browse and receive files from your android phone via XMPP (gTalk). It's also a remote SMS notifier and has various other features. Note: According to the FAQ I have to discl …
Flow's user avatar
  • 18.5k
3 votes

Why would I need a disk to transfer music?

A screen should appear after you plug the device into your PC, when the device's usb connection is in "mass storage mode". Make sure to enable USB-mass storage there. This options unmounts the storage …
Flow's user avatar
  • 18.5k
3 votes

Pushing files to my tablet from PC

Instead of explicitly pushing a file to your Android device, have a look at cloud storage providers. For example Dropbox or Google Drive. IMHO that is a superior approach, but it comes with two drawba …
Flow's user avatar
  • 18.5k
3 votes

How can I get file from /data/data/com.myapplication?

As you may already know, you can only access those files with root, i.e. if your device is rooted. I can copy and paste the file to another location, but I think this may change the nature of th …
Flow's user avatar
  • 18.5k
1 vote

Why can't I transfer data from my tablet with OTG support to my phone with USB?

At least one of the USB devices would need support for host-mode USB - which is a hardware feature and therefore can't be upgraded via software - and the other needs to report as mass storage USB devi …
Flow's user avatar
  • 18.5k
0 votes

Quickly send file from phone to PC via internet?

MAXS (Modular Android XMPP Suite) is able to exchange files over XMPP. Note: According to the FAQ I have to disclose that I am involved into MAXS. MAXS is an open source GPLv3 licensed Android app. E …
Flow's user avatar
  • 18.5k
0 votes

Any way to push files onto android phones?

MAXS (Modular Android XMPP Suite) allows you to push files to your Android device over XMPP. Using XMPP as transport, the "desktop app" can be every XMPP Client. Which is one of the big advantages o …
Flow's user avatar
  • 18.5k