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11 votes

Websites suddenly inaccessible but Google search works

At the moment a large number of popular website are dropping support for all SSL/TLS versions below TLS1.2 because of the known vulnerabilities in TLS1.1/TLS1.0 and older. Your device is very very ...
Robert's user avatar
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4 votes

adb input keyevent 26 - Not waking device up

This is an old post, but this command should wake up any device. adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes

My new tablet tells me that I am making a wrong pattern and I am not able to use it

What actually happened there is that: You were setting up the tablet and it asked you to set a pattern for unlock. You then drew the pattern and repeated the same on reprompt. It got accepted and ...
singhnsk's user avatar
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2 votes

Disable automatic screen turn-off during call

I have v. 6.0.1. I contacted support with this problem, since I do not have any proxy setting. Go to settings - > apps -> phone or dial app -> memory -> clear cache and memory and restart your device. ...
guest user's user avatar
2 votes

Unable to Setup Google Account on Android 2.3

Here is the direct link: But if you have 2-step-verification enable you should try generating a separate password here:
Mohit Guleria's user avatar
2 votes

Are there browsers that automate download time?

ADM - Advanced Download Manager It has a browser and scheduled download capability.. It also can intercept the clipboard for download links etc...
Empire of E's user avatar
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2 votes

Where are the links of the saved pages of Opera Mini are stored in Android?

OP seems to confuse Saved Pages feature with Bookmarks. Address of a saved page (or any page viewed in Opera Mini) is copy / pastable (to anywhere) from the top of your screen. Whole point of Saved ...
alexei konrad's user avatar
1 vote

How to autostart WiFi and an app on (re)boot

If you can find a version of Tasker compatible with your phone, it would allow you to start an app on boot. Edit: The developer makes versions available for older Android releases here
TomG's user avatar
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Android Version differs from expected API level

As Izzy mentioned the issue here was that the owner of the ROM had modified the in the build.prop without actually provide any feature of the API level 23. I am not sure if Fidz's ...
Karampistis Dimitrios's user avatar
1 vote

Unlock android pattern after changing Gmail Password

On older Android devices, if you lock your phone using Google's find my device you'll be able to choose a new password, and you'll then be able to access your phone. Go to ...
aBochur's user avatar
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Android 2.3.x Gingerbread can't access WhatsApp since 8th Feb 2018

WhatsApp on Android 2.3.x is still supported, but the support will end next year. I should advise you to upgrade to a more recent phone, say Android 4.0. However, using your phone native browser, you ...
Krul's user avatar
  • 61
1 vote

Android 2.3.x Gingerbread can't access WhatsApp since 8th Feb 2018

From WhatsApp's FAQ page: For the following platforms, you can no longer create new accounts, nor re-verify existing accounts. However, you'll be able to continue using WhatsApp: Android versions 2....
aBochur's user avatar
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1 vote

Google Play Services Sync problem on Android 2.3.6

After looking through verbose log of my mobile phone I noticed that Google Play Services (GMS) can't find class "android.os.UserManager" and it has another dead codes connected with Google Play ...
Alexander's user avatar
1 vote

How to factory reset a Gingerbread device?

One thing to be noted before factory resetting an android is that you still end up having the root access on your device. In that case, I would rather suggest you to (unroot) it first. Download the ...
Yash Wate's user avatar
1 vote

How to factory reset a Gingerbread device?

If it's running CyanogenMod then it likely has a custom recovery loaded on it already. Just boot into it, wipe data / factory reset and wipe internal storage.
Andy Yan's user avatar
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Are there browsers that automate download time?

You can use Tasker app and create a recipe for it.
Abhishek's user avatar
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1 vote

Home screen is blank, lock screen working

I had the same problem and after trying many things, I just installed a 3rd-party launcher such as Nova Launcher and suddenly it seemed to work. I knew it was a launcher issue since everything else ...
Sojin Varghese Thomas's user avatar
1 vote

Why doesn't my screen turn off after 30 seconds?

You can try the wakelock detector app which will tell you the application which is restricting the phone from going to sleep and lock mode. Unfortunately it did not work for me since my kitkat ...
Anmol Saraf's user avatar
1 vote

Can't use Google Account on Android 2.3

As noted in this question, there's no special hard requirement for gmail anymore. But <ics GoogleServicesFramework (or at least I tested version 2.3.7 that can seemingly only be found on some late-...
mirh's user avatar
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1 vote

Contact Images location

What I do is simply create a separate folder in Internal Storage, which contains all my 'pics for Contacts' -- SD content always tends to change OR you change the SD card throughout years/lengthy ...
Roman Olshansky's user avatar

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