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33 votes

Don't charge the battery but use connected power to run the phone

Yes, it's possible if your device is rooted running Advanced Charging Controller-Acc Magisk module and device kernel supports (see currently known list at the end of answer. For more join telegram ) ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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25 votes

How to limit charging to a user defined limit?

There now is a hardware+app solution for that, it's called Chargie. Basically, Chargie is a Bluetooth switch that is linked to an app on your phone. You set the desired level of ...
Ovidiu Sandru's user avatar
21 votes

Ideal charging / discharging percentage for maximum battery life?

In the comments to linked answer, it was brought out that batteries are not allowed to stay at 100% charge since it is harmful to the battery and the battery % rapidly drops to around 90% as explained ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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14 votes

How to limit charging to a user defined limit?

Many ways - all of course, need root. Without root, it's not possible and you can only be notified either by automation or using an app as suggested in Chang's answer Battery Charge Limit from Play ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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13 votes

Automatically limit (stop) battery charging at a given percentage

Okay.. Got it :) The first thing to note is on Honor 6, my previous device , there was a single file I could play around with to stop charging automatically On Moto X play, there are two distinct ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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9 votes

How to limit charging to a user defined limit?

Accu​Battery can notify you when the battery charge reaches a certain level. It won't stop the charging, unfortunately, but it's still worth a try. :)
geffchang's user avatar
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8 votes

How to tame "Phone Idle" battery drain on unrooted device?

How to nail Phone Idle battery drain is the question, but being unrooted device, it calls for some efforts. Finding the culprit apps isn't as easy as it is on rooted devices but is possible using adb ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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8 votes

What does the charge counter in battery indicates?

I checked the Android source and the value shows your remaining battery capacity in microampere-hours. BATTERY_PROPERTY_CHARGE_COUNTER Added in API level 21 public static final int ...
singhnsk's user avatar
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7 votes

Using Android phone without battery

AFAIK, no. The fundamental reason is usage and the design that evolved based on it- mobile phone, as the name suggests, is meant to be used whenever and wherever, with periodic charging, unlike ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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7 votes

What does Discharging means on battery?

Discharging is the opposite of charging. When you charge some electric component, such as a battery, you are storing potential electric energy in it. When you discharge that battery, you are ...
GiantTree's user avatar
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6 votes

Automatically limit (stop) battery charging at a given percentage

Now there's Chargie - a USB stick+Android app combo that limits charging externally. Just install the stick between the charger and phone and use the app to select the charge level. Simple as that. ...
Ovidiu Sandru's user avatar
6 votes

Battery Popup at 25%

This is caused by the Peel Remote app. I deleted this app and it stopped.
Vovan1985's user avatar
6 votes

How to limit charging to a user defined limit?

My solution is to just use a CountDowntimer on the power outlet, set at 1:20 for me. One hit on the CD button to start the power (ON), and after 1:20 it's OFF again which will be at about 80% charge. ...
Thomas Carl-Erik Jönsson's user avatar
6 votes

What is the fastest way to shutdown unrooted Android phone?

In fact without removing battery it's not possible to shut down a device completely in order to avoid the loss that could possibly occur due to short circuit caused by water. Let's have a brief look ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
6 votes

dex2oat64 is eating battery on Android 12 (Beta). What is it?

dex2oat is a utility used when installing or updating applications, so that was likely just a remnant of your "Android is upgrading" phase that you saw after the initial/first reboot after ...
Ryan Asking Questions's user avatar
5 votes

Ideal charging / discharging percentage for maximum battery life?

A good metric of battery life is the total energy it provides during its lifetime, which is number of charge cycles*capacity at full charge. If your phone uses X Joules a year and the battery is able ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
5 votes

Using Android phone without battery

My Infinix Hot 4 battery exploded and was left without one at home. I did this by drawing a circuit with a pencil on the motherboard from the GND pin to -ve pin. This tricked the phone that it has a ...
user231043's user avatar
4 votes

Why is "mdnsd" draining my battery and how to stop it?

WHAT IS MDNSD: mdnsd (Multicast Domain Name System Daemon) is Android's implementation of mDNSResponder, a part of upcoming Zero Configuration Networking. It allows you to automatically discover ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
4 votes

Ascertaining damage from fully discharged android phone

Battery Cycle count is a more reliable yardstick compared to battery capacity in mAh see note at end. It is likely your phone shows this information under Settings → About phone → Battery information....
beeshyams's user avatar
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3 votes

WiFi drains battery even if it's off

This is most likely media related. Devices on the network can be too chatty and try to constantly discover things and speak to each other non stop, keeping the wifi awake and active. Two big culprits:...
David d C e Freitas's user avatar
3 votes

is there a reliable source of charging current?

Please consider these facts before jumping to conclusions: The latest Fast Charge uses 3 voltages, 5, 9 and 12V. A higher voltage means a lower current thus a lower drop in voltage and losses, hence ...
Luke's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Phone only works with busted battery

So I found out why my new battery isn't working, it had a transparent sticker on the power pins (and only on the pins). It was virtually invisible in broad daylight and there was no indicator on the ...
jahu's user avatar
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3 votes

Allow instant boot after phone with empty battery is connected to power

tl:dr Mobile devices unlike laptops are not designed to run off the charger, without a battery (there are exceptions of some devices, way back). A fully discharged battery is as good as no battery, ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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3 votes

Samsung galaxy S4 not charging

Battery swelling up is an indication of battery in terminal stages . It's good that you decided to replace with a new battery If the new battery is not charging, possible reasons: a) It could be a ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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3 votes

What resets the battery stats

"What is it precisely that resets the battery stats?" Quoting from an old post by a Google engineer is reset every time you unplug from power with a relatively full charge (thus why the ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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3 votes

Wileyfox Swift won't turn on

Probably too late for you, but in case others stumble across this page while seeking help, like I did..... I had a similar problem and contacted them via their chat function on their website. I was ...
user273687's user avatar
3 votes

how to block an OS app popup?

First get the stk and stk2 package name and path, then back them up with pull : adb shell pm list packages | grep stk adb shell pm path adb pull /system/app/Stk/Stk.apk adb shell pm ...
Aquarius Power's user avatar
3 votes

OnePlus 3 repair issue

Your repair guy is either ignorant /or taking you for a ride or both Bad battery story by the repair guy is flimsy. You had good battery life - 8 hours is actually pretty decent Batteries are not ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is "mdnsd" draining my battery and how to stop it?

It seems like it is the daemon for multicast DNS. I have the same issue as OP and Trevor. My solution is the following (assuming you have a rooted device). If you have adb, then do step 2 over that, ...
DBX12's user avatar
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3 votes

Do fast charge technologies wear down the batteries quicker?

In theory, yes. Charging quickly means there will be more heat produced which is bad for the battery cells. However, most batteries are equiped with controllers that make sure that the charging ...
Reddy Lutonadio's user avatar

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