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16 votes

How can a bookmarklet be ADDED on mobile Chrome without copying and pasting?

You can add (and execute) bookmarklets entirely in Android Chrome. The caveat: it takes more work than just drag-and-drop in the desktop counterpart. Save a bookmarklet (Android Chrome) Long tap ...
ben12vzquez's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a way to use PC browser bookmarklets with the Android Browser or Dolphin HD?

Works in Chrome mobile. Here's the recipe: PREPARE Create a bookmarklet = add a script to your bookmarks: on Chrome PC¹, then sync (so your bookmarks show up in Chrome mobile on your phone) or ...
Kaligula's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to run a bookmarklet on Chrome by selecting it from the bookmark?

TL;DR Either wait for the Chrome for Android team to fix it or find a browser which supports it. I found this issue ticket for Chromium (base code of Chrome/Chrome for Android/ChromeOS) which was ...
Morrison Chang's user avatar
1 vote

How can a bookmarklet be ADDED on mobile Chrome without copying and pasting?

If I understand your question correctly, you want to: Let users add bookmarklets from your own website in Chrome for Android. To achieve this, you could use JavaScript to add a bookmark from here: ...
VarietyCH's user avatar

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