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Use this tag for issues with the "boot-process" of your Android device.

What is "Booting"?

Booting is the initial set of operations that a computer system performs when electrical power is switched on (e.g., power-on self-test and starting an operating system). Wikipedia puts it this way:

In computing, booting (also known as booting up) is the initial set of operations that a computer system performs when electrical power to the CPU is switched on. The process begins when a computer is turned on for the first time or is re-energized after being turned off, and ends when the computer is ready to perform its normal operations.

Related tags

While "boot" is a quite generic tag, our site offers a few more specific ones. Please use those if they better reflect your issue:

  • : the animation shown during the boot process
  • : The bootloader is started shortly after the device's basic checks and is responsible for loading the Android OS. It can boot the Android system, but also get you to the recovery console.
  • : a locked bootloader prevents you from booting unofficial firmware images
  • : when your device does not fully boot up, but starts its boot process over and over
  • : some devices are capable of booting multiple images
  • : the init process is started during booting, and responsible for the initialization of the underlying Linux system
  • : re-starting your device
  • : the opposite of "boot". If you have trouble shutting down your device, or your device shuts down itself without your intention, this is the correct tag.

Further readings