Use this tag for issues with Android's lock screen (the one protecting your device from unauthorized/accidental use. If applicable, consider using a more specific tag, such as e.g. 'face-unlock', 'pattern-lock', or 'locked-out'. See the full tag wiki for additional details and hints.
What is a lock screen?
A lock screen protects Android devices from unauthorized use. It's the screen you usually see when switching on your display. It might offer a simple slide-to-unlock mechanism (protecting the device from accidental input), or something more sophisticated like a pattern-lock.
When should you use this tag?
If you have an issue with or question about the lock screen, and there's no other "lock screen tag" fitting better (see "related tags" below).
What related tags do exist?
- face-unlock: issues with the system using your device's camera to identify you by your face
- locked-out: the very bad issue where your device locked you out, and you've got no idea how to trick yourself in again
- password: you could also have used a PIN/password to lock your device. Unless we already have a tag special to that, use this tag in addition to 'lock-screen'.
- pattern-lock: for issues with the pattern-lock, where you need to draw a pattern to unlock your screen
Similar sounding, but unrelated
Do not confuse this with e.g.
- bootloader-lock: is about your device being locked away from flashing every nice-and-shiny ROM you might find
- sim-unlocking: this is about your device being bound to the network of the provider where you bought it
- wakelock: those are keeping your device awake, reducing its battery-life