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2 votes

Will Nextflix Widevine L1 play with magisk?

Unlikely. Generally, on most phones, your DRM keys will be wiped when you unlock the bootloader. So, even if you clear SafetyNet, your Widevine level is most likely already dropped down to L3. That ...
singhnsk's user avatar
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Does OnePlus support removing NetFlix?

That screenshot suffices to say that the Netflix app is a permanent bloatware. A permanent bloatware has Disable option instead of Uninstall option. Furthermore, it is not the only bloatware. Many ...
Firelord's user avatar
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How can I use Google Assistant on Android 7 to play a show on my TV on Netflix on Windows 10? - Super User

TL;DR: I don't believe there is an official Windows 10 app which will act as a Chromecast client (and I doubt there will be). Buy a Chromecast HDMI stick for your TV. So I have a 2nd Generation ...
Morrison Chang's user avatar

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