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15 votes

TWRP failed to install ZIP for Lineage 16 Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100 (t03g)

in TWRP go to advanced > terminal, then create /cache/recovery with mkdir /cache/recovery solved the problem for me
wizz's user avatar
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5 votes

Explain "Don't Downgrade!" warnings when flashing stock firmware

Bootloader itself will get updated with some firmware updates. Take the Galaxy S6 as an example - the firmware G920FXXU4DPJN comes with bootloader level 4, while G920FXXU5EQF1 comes with bootloader ...
Andy Yan's user avatar
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1 vote

Where is the scheduled message option?

I was upset at this at first. But, because I rely so heavily on scheduling messages and didn't want to clog up my memory with yet another app just so I can schedule messages, I looked harder. The ...
MamaBear0903's user avatar

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