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6 votes

What is the fastest way to shutdown unrooted Android phone?

In fact without removing battery it's not possible to shut down a device completely in order to avoid the loss that could possibly occur due to short circuit caused by water. Let's have a brief look ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
4 votes

How can I shutdown my Android phone using an adb command?

In the Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) shutdown doesn't work. Instead, try doing adb shell reboot -p or adb shell reboot -p PS E:\platform-tools> .\adb.exe devices List of devices attached ...
pro_nav's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to send a text as my un-rooted device is shutting down using Tasker or any other method?

You should use State > Battery Level as a profile context with minimum and maximum battery as 3%. In the task, You can use %SMSRN to get phone number of last received SMS. Then to check the ...
Ranjit Singh's user avatar
2 votes

Power saver or shutdown - which conserves charge better?

Power save conserves better battery since rebooting or switching the device on typically drops battery charge by a minimum of 1 to 1.5 % , as you can test yourself. This is hardware related and ...
beeshyams's user avatar
  • 41.3k
2 votes

Apps stay in background even after turning the phone off

That is the default behavior of Android from Lollipop onwards. See this blog which talks of that ( Recents (or Overview)). It is only a list of apps that you used is shown and it doesn't mean that ...
beeshyams's user avatar
  • 41.3k
2 votes

Why does the phone shutdown and battery drains super fast on 20% or less capacity when taking pictures?

Long read with plenty of links. I will summarize so that one gets the key points and if needed dive in for details Battery levels are not accurate Firstly, battery levels based on voltage are an ...
beeshyams's user avatar
  • 41.3k
1 vote

An Pixel XL phone shutdown by itself

Based on the provided logcat it seems like the shutdown is initiated by the healthd that manages for example the battery status: healthd : battery l=63 v=3913 t=72.7 h=3 st=2 c=5 chg=u This line ...
Robert's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the fastest way to shutdown unrooted Android phone?

You can shut down your device by holding Volume Up + Power Button simultaneously for several seconds.
Balraj's user avatar
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Is there an advantage to powering-off the device "properly"?

Shutting down an Android device isn't that much different than shutting down a computer — it gives any apps that want it notice the device is being shut down (allowing them to save data, cleanly ...
derobert's user avatar
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1 vote

Eight seconds after powering on, my phone goes dark and becomes unresponsive. What can I do?

I have owned several Samsung galaxy devices (including an S3 which is somewhat similar to your phone). Often I find that the battery becomes faulty after 2 years of usage. The symptoms you mention ...
BrianK01's user avatar

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