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3 votes

Fine Bluetooth Volume Control

Found the answer: To decouple phone volume and speaker volume enable what's now called Disable absolute volume in developer options (looks like used to be called Disable max volume) Taken from here
user349394's user avatar
2 votes

Stream any audio to DLNA/UPNP speakers

The only app I know that streams the entire audio output of your phone is AirAudio. It is capable of streaming to UPnP/DLNA speakers but does also support AirPlay. It does require root privileges, ...
InsertCaffeine's user avatar
2 votes

My music goes from headphones to speakers when the cable is in a weird angle

You have a faulty cable. When the audio cuts out in the headphones, the 'phone thinks there is no longer a cable connected. Replacing the cable should fix the problem. Forcing it to always use the ...
John Dallman's user avatar
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1 vote

Car Android screen wireless silences jack audio

The short answer is that you can't. I have the same problem with a different scenario. The design of the Bluetooth assumes that all audio is being directed to it, because that's what it is for. You ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
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1 vote

Sound coming from ear speaker only on Samsung S22

It's a hardware defect, the device will be replaced as it's still inside of the warranty.
Julian's user avatar
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1 vote

How to disable speaker independent of volume settings

Simple solution is get someone to physically disable/damage the speaker by taking off the screen and removing it or cutting it off the battery supply. Probably get a tech friend to do it, or one of ...
w_e_n_d_e_e_z's user avatar
1 vote

Mic doesn't work during calls!

A temporary fix is to put it on speaker then back to internal mic I've had this problem with three different phones all different name brands.
Ben Wood's user avatar
1 vote

Streaming audio from smartphone to PC without bluetooth

Connect your device android device and PC with Xender (app) and enjoy your phone as audio streaming server.
Dr geek's user avatar
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