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19 votes

How to connect to Android through SSH over 3G/4G public IP?

If you have a working SSH server running on Android device, you can connect to it on local/private network without any issues (after proper authentication setup obviously). Same may hold true for ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
16 votes

Accessing termux user environment from other consoles

Termux does provide the openssh package, which contains both the ssh client and the sshd server. Install the package with: apt install openssh, then start the server with sshd - it will run on port ...
fornwall's user avatar
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9 votes

SimpleSSHD - create reusable user/password?

I am new myself, but this is how I managed to do it Generate SSH keys on your client (RPi in this case) system A. Use the command ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "optional_identifying_comment" ...
Kit's user avatar
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9 votes

Send a notification (or just vibrate) to phone via ADB/shell

Use cmd notification: cmd notification post [flags] <tag> <text> If you are root notification will not be displayed: su -lp 2000 -c "cmd notification post -S bigtext -t 'Title' 'Tag' ...
maxmopp's user avatar
  • 91
8 votes

How to run SSH/SFTP server for multiple user logins with password authentication on Android?

Note: Make sure your phone is accessible from internet as explained here. You need a rooted device. Android phones nowadays aren't those old low-end devices, they can run a full-featured SSH server ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
6 votes

Send a notification (or just vibrate) to phone via ADB/shell

You can setup a Task in Tasker which you can invoke from command-line. The task can be setup with actions of your liking in combination, such as show a notification and vibrate with XYZ pattern. When ...
Firelord's user avatar
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5 votes

Synchronising files over SSH

Revisiting this after several years, I've found a solution that works across all my devices (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Android): Syncthing It provides free (as in speech, and as in beer), secure, and ...
Duncan Bayne's user avatar
5 votes

How do I install DropBear SSH on Android?

Install Termux (Google Play, F-Droid, Fossdroid) apt update apt ugpgrade apt install dropbear I personally chose OpenSSH toover Dropbear apt install openssh To run the server sshd Unless your ...
Fergus Incoronato's user avatar
5 votes

Port forwarding to USB Tether

That should be possible and requires a reverse port forward, which can be setup with adb: Run this command on your Raspberry Pi: adb reverse tcp:<remote> tcp:<local> where <remote> ...
Eugen's user avatar
  • 254
5 votes

Using LineageOS native SSHD over ADB

AFAIK with LineageOS 14.1 (I have a rooted FairPhone 2), sshd is enabled by default and ready to use. Its config file is /system/etc/ssh/sshd_config which points to /data/ssh/ for keys storage. I ...
sphakka's user avatar
  • 211
5 votes

SSH client for Android with scp and sftp features

For ssh and scp, use Termux. It's a full-feature Linux-type terminal for Android. Use it like a normal Linux terminal. Sftp, scp, and ssh are all included in the OpenSSH package. It's also free and ...
unixandria's user avatar
5 votes

Android stops/pauses execution of my background script?

Android turns off some of CPUs and/or don't let apps use them when it's dozing. It's achieved through Linux kernel's Control Groups. One of the cgroups is cpuset that controls which CPU is assigned to ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
4 votes

How to SSH into Android which is a hotspot?

You need to run an SSH server on your Android phone. There are apps available, but simple solution is to go for Termux. Install app, then install packages openssh and termux-auth. Set password and ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
3 votes

How to find UID of an app installed on Android and use it as a shell user?

Android inherits from Linux the concept of shell, which is the core component of Linux login process. But there is no concept of Linux console login on Android (1) because it boots directly to GUI. ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
3 votes

What's the best way to turn an Android device into Linux server?

Since Android IS Linux you can use the existing Android configured by your carrier/manufacturer to to run Linux applications. The other approach is to replace the entire OS on the device and this is ...
jdwolf's user avatar
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3 votes

Accessing termux user environment from other consoles

On your knees and bow, Ip_Address_Of_Remote_Host = (Assuming you have generated a key on the termux machine using ssh-keygen -t rsa There is a space inbetween ssh-keygen and -t ...
Michael Hughes's user avatar
3 votes

Accessing termux user environment from other consoles

You need to install openssh in termux by running pkg install openssh and then, on the device you want to ssh from, generate a Public ID Key, ssh-keygen and just confirm and down change anything, ...
Zachary Martin Duncan's user avatar
3 votes

SSH Key generation

You could install Termux, a terminal shell with additional Linux functionality on top of Android, with a package manager, so you can scale the magnitude of native Linux functionality at will. Then ...
Rob's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes

Android keyboard and remapping the CTRL key

Since Android 4.1 you can do it without root by installing an app that provides additional keyboard layouts (Key Character Map files). The example of such app could be found here (I'm the developer). ...
Ilya Rodionov's user avatar
3 votes

How can I enable swipe typing and autocorrect in Juice SSH?

After much trying, I finally found out how this works: You have to swipe left. Swiping right doesn't work. (I. e., their FAQ is wrong, their other post is correct.) You have to swipe on the ...
Alexander Klauer's user avatar
2 votes

SSH tunnel with two hops

I would like to share info that JuiceSSH has the feature you're trying to achieve with just one click. I'm talking about its feature "connect 'via' other SSH connections." Even local port ...
lurenzu's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

JuiceSSH android rsa key

When you create New Identity you have Private key option, you can paste or generate new keys.
dukasvili's user avatar
  • 136
2 votes

Accessing termux user environment from other consoles

These are Android commands to run on Termux and setup a SSH client and server, allowing to connect from your desktop to your Android and vice-versa. This does not cover the SSH server and client set ...
user's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

zsh scp completion of remote files doesn't work when running SSHHelper

The culprit is android's crippled ls command. Zsh's completion run ls -d1FL which /system/bin/ls doesn't understand. A way to fix this is to edit /data/data/com.arachnoid.sshelper/home/.ssh/...
olejorgenb's user avatar
2 votes

How to SCP files from a PC to storage in Termux

By design Android won't allow any other app to access Termux's data directory: /data/data/com.termux/files/home. However you can scp directly to SD card after granting WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
2 votes

How to connect to a SSH server from Android client?

You don't need to install server in order to use client. Install openssh package on Termux, that has both; server and client. To connect to a server, do: ssh <user>@<server-IP>. Mention ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
2 votes

How to connect two phones via SSH with a central SSH server?

What I have understood from your question: You have two phones A and B, which are connected to internet through Mobile Data. Phone B has a SSH server running, listening on port 8022. You want to ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
2 votes

Installing rsync on Android to transfer files from Android to OSX

First on Android each app has an own user-id/account, hence u0_a312is the user of the app that runs the ssh server. Regular Linux user accounts like myuser don't exist on Android. Based on the path /...
Robert's user avatar
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2 votes

SSH to localhost on android

You simply need to set a password for your Termux session. You will not be asked for it at any time when you start Termux, so it is safe to do. Just type: passwd <enter> and type in a password. ...
Scooby-2's user avatar
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1 vote

Can any computer connect to a SSH server running on an android phone connected to a wireless mobile network?

For running a SSH server on a Smartphone connected via mobile data to the Internet you need a public IP address on the mobile network interface. You can simple check if your IP is a public one: ...
Robert's user avatar
  • 21.3k

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