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Must APPLICATION_IDs (package names) be reverse DNS?

The instructions for setting the application ID in Android Studio make it clear that this name has nothing to do with DNS names. It looks a little like a DNS name, but they have no significant ...
John Dallman's user avatar
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Emulate vanila Android-arm64 on PC

I have checked Android studio, but it seems that it only runs a single application but not the whole Android system. You are mistaken. The Android emulator in Android Studio creates and runs an ...
John Dallman's user avatar
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AOSP Android 11 Kernel build for Pixel3a/Sargo Touchscreen not working

I'd to know how an issue like this still exists, but here's the fix: File: aosp-kernel\private\msm-google\arch\arm64\configs\bonito_defconfig Change these to "y" & rebuild: ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Are the AOSP Email and Calendar apps dead?

I cannot speak to cyanogen mod, however my understanding is that cyanogen mod has been taken over/morphed into what is now known as the Lineage OS Distribution here: perhaps ...
qxotk's user avatar
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Error reflashing Nexus S to stock Jelly Bean

what I found was that actually updates the baseband version with the radio image. but rebooting from fastboot to fastboot again does not show the update in the baseband version. so ...
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