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3 votes

How to control how long Google Assistant keeps listening when there is silence?

From Google help There isn't any way at this time to force the microphone to stay on for Voice Typing. When you pause for several seconds, voice typing assumes you're taking a break. This likely ...
beeshyams's user avatar
  • 41.3k
1 vote

What if one application couldn't write incoming voice?

I was able to find an application that works properly (Call recorder for Android version 25 from
R S's user avatar
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How prevent Pixel 2 from sleeping while dictating?

I saw a reviewer talking about that and i believe there is no fix in settings for that but I can recommend you an app called caffeine that keeps your phone awake for a set amount of time
RenierC's user avatar
  • 33
1 vote

Take a voice note without unlocking the device

This is possible (recording audio without unlocking the device, but with the screen on) with the help of the excellent Macrodroid app. When I tried to do the same I found this hint. For those who are ...
andromax's user avatar

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