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jmbouffard's user avatar
jmbouffard's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
67 votes

Why is charging from computer using USB slower than using an outlet?

20 votes

How do I project the screen of my Android phone for a presentation?

11 votes

Copying files from web to phone?

10 votes

How does power usage for data over WiFi compare to data over 3G? (Ignore LTE for now)

6 votes

Problem with my thumbnails in gallery

6 votes

Is it possible to temporarily disable the screen timeout?

4 votes

Enabling GPS flag on android preferences: what is the battery impact?

4 votes

Why can't I download games, apps, etc from any site except the Official Android Market?

4 votes

Linux program to transfer file from/to an android device?

3 votes

What is the right way to close apps in Android?

3 votes

Shortcut to the notifications panel?

3 votes

can I push 'hanging' sending email in gmail outbox?

2 votes

Motorola Milestone problems

2 votes

Can I leave it plugged in for charge all the time? -Samsung Galaxy 3 I5801

2 votes

Moving from one droid to another

2 votes

Device not booting after factory reset

1 vote

'adb devices' is not listing my phone

1 vote

27 MB + 4.2 MB = 28 MB? Where'd my space go?

1 vote

Getting pictures off of old deactivated phone

1 vote

samsung s4 extremely hot

1 vote

Android Antivirus Software (solution and battery life relevance)

1 vote

Why can apps access the whole SD card?

1 vote

Paste number into Dialer

1 vote

How can I make Google Maps cache the map for my entire city?

1 vote

Google Latitude update every 1 hour

0 votes

Save a number during a phone call

0 votes

Media Player starts playing when I unplug headphones

0 votes

Missing 20 Gigabyte of Free Space

0 votes

Run android on windows 7

0 votes

Should the Droidstack application still work on my Android device?