Can anyone please tell me how can to fix the fake google play protection warning shown in the apk while installing the app. II have tried signing the app with androidthe Android debug key and also iI have tried signing the apkAPK with my private key (whose apkAPK is present in playstorePlay Store) but still i used to get this warning. I dont
I don't want to disable the play protectPlay Protect (as this is not the solution) PS: when i.
When I make clones of the same apkAPK, for egexample making 10 clones of 1same apk1 same APK and every apkAPK with the new unique package name, out of those 10 clone iclones, I used to see the play protectPlay Protect warning in only 4-5apks5 APKs and the rest apksof APKs used to be good (itsit's not the issue of the package name) Everything was working good but i started facing this issue of google play protect warning since Nov2021. I I have also tried to sign the apkAPK with apkeasytoolApk Easy Tool, but still the same issue. IT WILL BE BIG HELP FOR ME TO IF SOMEONE WILL FINDOUT SOME WAY TO FIX THIS PROBLEM
Everything was working well, but I started facing this issue of Google Play Protect warnings since Nov 2021.
Can anyone please tell me how can I fix the fake Google Play protection warning shown in the APK while installing the app?