When I buy a pocket book both my son and I can happily read it.
I bought some books on the Amazon Kindle store (which I read on my Samsung Galaxy S), and am now wondering: can my son read these books too ?
Knowing that the price of an ebook is not that much lower than a pocket version of the same story ( I even found some where the ebook costs more than the pocket equivalent ), I am just realizing that this could not be a good thing to do.
[--- UPDATE ---]
Having read the first few answers, I must clarify something: the Amazon account of my son is NOT the same as my Amazon account.
I think that for him to access my Kindle store ( as I do as well with my Archos 101 tablet ), I need to give him my login credentials, or am I mistaken ?
It's not a matter of trust that I should not give him my login credentials. It's just that, I have a lot of items in my wishlist/saved basked that are items I may give to him as a present. And of course , I do not want him to see these items.