I installed android emulator, the SDK Tools v24.1.2, Android v5.1.1. After all this the emulator is UP and I am able to run my app.
Where I ran into problem was while trying to do a screenrecord using adb. It gives the following error:
$ adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/demo.mp4
/system/bin/sh: screenrecord: not found
I can see screencap under /system/bin
but no screenrecord.
I have the below installed:
- Android SDK Tools v24.1.2
- Android SDK Platform Tools v22
- Android SDK Build Tools v22.0.1
- Android v5.1.1 SDK Platform
- Google APIs Intel x86 System Image
Emulator is running for Nexus One.
I already found this question on SO and verified that I have required Android version. What am I missing?