The STREAM X GL07S is a mobile phone manufactured by Huawei.
It is similar (but different) to the Huawei Ascend P2.
QUESTION: How to root the Huawei STREAM X GL07S?
The STREAM X GL07S is a mobile phone manufactured by Huawei.
It is similar (but different) to the Huawei Ascend P2.
QUESTION: How to root the Huawei STREAM X GL07S?
and fastboot
should be available (fastboot for Windows is provided in the ZIP).sudo ./
on Linux, or root.bat
on Windows(Translated from the README in the ZIP above)
Before step 5 I had to add the following line as line 2 of
because my Android SDK is installed at the user level on my Linux computer, you should not need it if you install the Android SDK as admin.
export PATH="${PATH}:/home/nico/android-sdk/tools:/home/nico/android-sdk/platform-tools"
Be patient. The execution lasts for a few minutes, with this output (press Enter when it says 続行するにはエンターを押してください
$ sudo ./
< waiting for device >
sending 'cust' (233697 KB)...
OKAY [ 7.333s]
writing 'cust'...
OKAY [ 15.655s]
finished. total time: 23.002s
sending 'boot' (5298 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.165s]
writing 'boot'...
OKAY [ 0.824s]
finished. total time: 0.989s
sending 'system' (900228 KB)...
OKAY [ 28.112s]
writing 'system'...
OKAY [ 63.860s]
finished. total time: 91.972s
finished. total time: 0.201s