I am trying to develop a kiosk application on android. I am facing two challenges.
- Once the tablet getting off due to a battery drain. it is not turning on even after the battery reached 100% . is there a work around for this ? I have seen regarding editing some files in /system/init of Android after rooting. But I have not seen any file related to battery or charging. I am using 4.1 and higher
- I am experiencing a problem of battery draining. as it continuously keep display on, battery drains gradually even if the charger is connected.
Has anybody came across similar problems and find any solutions ?
Is there android devices available which , power on automatically after connecting wall charger ? Is there tablets that doesn't have battery and directly works from charger connection ?
Please provide your suggestions.
Update 1:
As I am using kiosk operation, I have to keep the screen on every time. I am not experiencing a quick battery drain, it drains slowly even if the charger connected , like 1 percentage in 6-8 minutes, so it lasts approximately 10 hours with charger connected. Then once it gets switched off, it needs to be powered on manually ( not power on after battery drain is a normal behavior, but is there a work around for this ?).
Actually I am not expecting the battery to get drained on a charger connected. is that a normal behavior ?
Can I do anything from the software to prevent it ? When I analyzed most of the power is consumed by screen, then wifi, then comes the application. Both are switched on all the time. Any advises on this ???
Update 2:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE" />
<permission android:name="in.aivknowtech.reviews.permission.C2D_MESSAGE"/>
Update 4
As my issue is considered. It is not an issue triggered by a particular event. I assume when connecting a charger android is loading the kernel and only showing a battery symbol, When we press on power button it boots up the kernel. Is there a way to bypass it ? Or is it depended on hardware or firmware ?
If it is dependent on android, Yes there is some hack we can do about it. Else it might be not possible. :(
A similar discussion is here but no definite answer android auto boot on external power