I am using the id3-tag "comment" field to assign tags that characterize the content of songs to mp3 of my music library. The contents of a comment field of an mp3 file could look like this:
upBeat happy fast bassHeavy
In this example I want to be able to search my library for 'upBeat' and have all songs listed that contain this string in their comment field.
I have a DJ-Software on my laptop that supports this. I want to be able to do the same thing on my Android device. I tried it with shuttle, Poweramp, doubleTwist and phonograph so far. To me it looks like none of them are capable of achieving this.
Are there any players that support this?
If not, is there a different (better?) way of finding all songs belonging to one tag? Moving the same file to a different device (e.g. desktop computer) should not require reassigning the tags.