I want a Tasker task that reads SMS from a particular person and extracts some information out of the latest message.
For example, I get a lot of messages from my bank due to the transactions I make. At the touch of a task, I want to know my latest bank balance. Normally, I would get the latest SMS from my bank and find out the balance from it. I want Tasker to do this.
I am aware that Tasker can read messages when they arrive. But we have to make a profile that does it. This is not my use-case. It's more on-demand.
Here is the task I tried to create to that effect:
Flash Roam (10)
A1: Java Function [ Return:cr Class Or Object:CONTEXT Function:getContentResolver
{ContentResolver} () Param: Param: Param: Param: Param: Param: Param: ]
A2: If [ cr !Set ]
A3: Flash [ Text:Ok Long:Off ]
A4: End If
I am unable to ascertain if cr
is null or not.
What is the correct way to check it? Or is this even possible in Tasker?