I want to monitor apps/services running in background on my phone. I have searched online but I can't find any way to do so.

  • There is no 'Running Services' option in Developer Settings or Apps section in MIUI.
  • I have tried adb shell top command but the output is not much helpful. And I can't keep my phone connected to my PC at all times.

My phone is rooted. It's running on MIUI 13 - Android 12.

Please help.

Edit: I want something similar to the 'Running Services' option in Developer Settings. (It's not available on Xiaomi devices) enter image description here


1 Answer 1


You can check 'Running Services' by calling through ADB or on-device terminals like Termux, etc.

To use in the terminal, you need superuser access & remove the adb shell prefix.


adb shell am start -n com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings -e :settings:show_fragment com.android.settings.applications.RunningServices

On-device terminal:

am start -n com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings -e :settings:show_fragment com.android.settings.applications.RunningServices

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