How can I fix the following error when purchasing from Play Store?
Couldn't complete your purchase. Check that you have the correct country selected in your Play account.
It keeps saying that even though the country is correct.
Detecting a country is done by various means, for different purposes
I have not tried purchasing anything outside my country, but I have installed and activated apps from other countries.
Perhaps it’s because of the Cloudflare DNS that you have set up on your WiFi router, which makes it unusable in relation to the country you are using it in. Because when I tried to turn off WiFi and use the internet via Cellular 5G, I was able to buy things on Play Store immediately.
In my case it was the DNS setting on my Android device, not the router. I recommend checking that too:
Settings -> Connections -> More Connection settings -> Private DNS Mine was set to "Automatic (recommended)" I changed it to "Off" and was able to make payments in Google again...