I want to transfer all SMSes from my old phone Nokia 6300 to Philips W626. I have tried several tools but all of them failed. Does anybody know tested way to do it?

2 Answers 2


An accepted solution is described with the question How to move contacts and other data from Symbian to Android? -- which might be of special interest to you, as it covers the transfer of other data as well. The SMS Migrator tool described there does, according to its description...

4 steps to migrate / import / transfer / move SMS from Iphone, Window Mobile, Symbian (Nokia), BlackBerry, Sony Errison, Samsung, Siemens, and so on to your Android.

A step-by-step guide can be found on the product's website.

  • Probably SMS Migrator will do the job. But it is not free and according to reviews it failed for some people. I don't want to pay for something that will probably fail.
    – ks1322
    Commented Aug 7, 2012 at 10:59
  • I understand. As that tool either requires you to first export SMS on your own, you might want to take a look at Migrating SMSes from Windows Mobile to Android phone -- not the tool itself, but the procedure might help. If you can figure out the XML format used, and convert your exported SMS into it, you will be fine.
    – Izzy
    Commented Aug 7, 2012 at 11:54

Finally I was able to import SMSes using SMS Importer Lite. This post was very helpful to make it work. It was required to configure SMS Importer this way:

  • Source type: Custom

in Advanced preferences:

  • Seperator: ,
  • Sender position: 3
  • Date position: 6
  • Body position: 8

Otherwise it always failed with "unexpected error" message.

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