I was wondering if anyone has had sucess in getting audio through Mitsubishi 1080 DTV speaker when connecting tablet to tv. I am using a SIIG Hdmi to VGA converter with audio. The video comes through great but when I connect the red and white audio cables the sound comes through for about 2 seconds then nothing. If anyone has had sucess doing this please tell me what you equipment was used to accomplish this. Thanks

  • Have you tried playing audio from any other device via the same input? This way you could verify that it's not a problem in the TV. It could also help to test the tablet with another TV. Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 11:38
  • Thanks for the input. You want believe this it was the power cord on the converter causing the problem. I don't know why but when I unplugged it the sound came through prefect. Thanks for the suggestion.
    – Silwan
    Commented Jan 22, 2013 at 2:24
  • Glad to hear the problem was solved. You may want to answer your own question and mark the answer as accepted as soon as it's available :) Commented Jan 22, 2013 at 6:17

1 Answer 1


OP solved the problem:

it was the power cord on the converter causing the problem. I don't know why but when I unplugged it the sound came through prefect.

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