Though it's in no way a classical bookmark manager, you could combine a few things:
WikiMind note is an editor with Wiki-Syntax support. So you can embed links and even structures easily (pictures as well)1. It stores all the data files on your SDCard, so they are easily accessible with other tools.
This fact (files on SDCard) you can put to use with FolderSync. As the screenshot2 shows, FolderSync supports a lot of cloud services: Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Ubuntu One... It can also sync with local resources at home (e.g. Samba/Windows shares), or any FTP server, just to name a few examples. This way you can easily use your notes on multiple devices.
For usage on your desktop computer, there would be WikiMind desktop and (even better) ZimWiki.
Further readings: S. W. Black: Writing tools for phone (Android) and desktop (Windows)