My girlfriend owns an HTC Desire X running Android 4.1.1 with HTC Sense 4+.
The phone was working fine but suddenly yesterday any text in desktop and menu has become unreadable. Instead of letters (european character, spanish) text is now made of white squares. Something like having an issue with fonts. You can see a picture below.
My troubleshooting was:
- Asked her if she installed any update: she did not install any new app or software update.
- Restarted the phone but the issue was still present after reset
- As suggested in comments, verified that language is properly set
Today she installed 3 updates: Twitter, Chrome and Dropbox. Suddenly fonts in desktop and menu came back to normal and text is readable again.
Did any of you have similar issue? Any idea what could be the cause?
Settings > Language & Keyboard
check the language that is set. May be language has got changed.