Starting with Android 4.4, SELinux's MAC is enforced. Does this mean that if an app somehow can get installed and exploit the kernel to get root privileges, that MAC will still prevent that app with root privileges from accessing private app data?
Android Documentation says,
SELinux can be used to label these devices so the process assigned the root privilege can write to only those specified in the associated policy. In this way, the process cannot overwrite data and system settings outside of the specific raw block device.
As a reference, I am implementing a Mobile Device Management system and in the process I have to determine how secure Android OS is itself. That is why I need to know how secure corporate data stored on a device is to rootkits, spyware, and other malware.
P.S. This was posted on the 'Unix & Linux' site but no one has been able to answer it, and I was suggested by one of their users to ask this community, any help is much appreciated. Thank you.