mediaserver is constantly running in the background eating up CPU.
I don't care at this point if I don't get to use the gallery app and I'm fed up with having to reboot every time I hop out of my car.
While I'm at it, I have the same question/issue with logcat2.
Edit: I deleted mediaserver and logcat, booted into recovery, fixed permissions, deleted dalvik and cache and am stuck on "Android is upgrading... Starting Apps."
(Recovery isn't an issue but having some method of effectively disabling the processes is necessary)
Any advice is appreciated. It's an HTC One m7 running ViperOne 6.2.1.
I have already tried Rescan Media ROOT & Stop Log ☆Root☆ and Netflix still causes these processes to spin out of out control. Perhaps this is related to Greenify's hibernation (active for Netflix)