I made a group that has around 18 contacts. I wanted to send a text message to everyone. When I was prompted to select contacts from the group, it would not let me select more than 10. Anyone know how I can get around that limitation? I have a Samsung Infuse.
2 Answers
Handcent should let you send more than 10 messages at once. It has a nice interface for selecting multiple contacts too. I haven't tested this (I don't want to send 10+ people a random text :) ).
I tried out Handcent by sending to a group of more than 75 people and it worked without a hitch– MartinCommented Dec 27, 2012 at 13:24
If you are constantly sending group messages you may want to check out some of the Group apps for Android.
GroupMe - creates an independent phone number for the group to text for those without data. - https://market.android.com/details?id=com.groupme.android&feature=search_result
Disco - a google owned or backed group messaging app - https://market.android.com/details?id=com.disco.android&feature=search_result