I bought a 16GB SD card for my cheap android phone a few days ago and have been trying everything to get apps onto it with no success. The phone is model is a ZTE Fit 4G running KitKat 4.4.4, and yes, I have already rooted the device to allow write access to SD card with kingroot. Any suggestions?

  • You have just rooted, or rooted and enabled write access afterwards? Rooting alone doesn't do that. If you missed the latter part: this list has a few apps doing it for you.
    – Izzy
    Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 17:04

1 Answer 1


The default install location can be changed using the adb shell pm command. The command is: adb shell pm set-install-location 2. The three options for set-install-location are 0 (auto), 1 (internal), and 2 (external). This can cause applications to break or other behavior that is undesirable. You can view this information by typing adb shell pm at the terminal. Side note: you can check what the current default install location is by typing adb shell pm get-install-location.

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