I have been using one WhatsApp number up until I went into another country where I started using a new number. In a new number I was joined into different groups and since WhatsApp allows one number per device I could not use old one. Now I want to merge my new number to my old WhatsApp account and have a single one.

Is that possible? I contacted their support and they have not answered yet.

I have both Sim cards in one phone

  • I'm not 100% sure this works (I didn't find anything in WhatsApp FAQ describing your situation) but you could try settings -> account -> change number from your old account, choosing the new number. There could be two problems: WhatsApp doesn't allow to merge two accounts this way or the account connected to the new number could be deleted and substituted by the old one.
    – user127476
    Commented Nov 14, 2015 at 12:57
  • I knew of that but was not sure whether it'll merge or do funny things like you said. Thanks for comments Commented Nov 14, 2015 at 16:02
  • If You have titaniumbackup you can easily use two nos for whatsapp.Just set different 'active data profile' for both nos. and you are done.you may set/keep the current sim as default profile and create a new profile and the use it for your old sim.In TB create a new profile->activate>backup/restore>whatsapp>specialfeatures>storage>enable'multiple profiles'for this app.
    – Iftekhar
    Commented Nov 14, 2015 at 19:05
  • I'm not following here. Am not WhatsApp maverick and don't understand to tie together Commented Nov 14, 2015 at 19:22

2 Answers 2


you can change the numbers by going into Settings>>Account>>Change Number. Here you can Change Number form A to B and you wont loose your chats(data). Also you can select an option if you want you contacts to get notification about this change.


whatsapp now allowing users to change mobile number without loosing data. If you are ok to loose 1 whatsapp data, you can keep another. Just change your number and enjoy your whatsapp

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