You cannot tell if the .apk
originally came from Playstore – but you can tell whether it matches the one available at Playstore. Here's what you need:
- the
in question
- the
of the same app in the same version from Playstore
- openssl
Unzip both .apk
(each into its own directory), and compare their certificates (stored in the META-INF/
directory. Details on a thorough comparision can e.g. be found here. The command you'd need is:
openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -in META-INF/CERT.RSA -noout -print_certs -text
Alternatively, if you haven't openssl installed but the Oracle JDK:
keytool -printcert -file META-INF/CERT.RSA
jarsigner -verify -certs -verbose ../Example.apk
If the certificates match, both APK files where signed using the same key. Unless the dev's key got compromised, that should mean the potentially sideloaded APK should be fine (no guarantees the dev himself didn't play games – but if size and MD5 of the APK also match, I'd say it's safe).
adb dumpsys package
(it carries the package name of the app having installed it, which would be the playstore's when that was used, or F-Droids, etc., or "unknown source" when completely side-loaded.