My recently purchased Samsung GS5 G901f 4G+ on Android 6 loses network for ~10s in many locations. I have used the "Open Signal" app to get an understanding of the problem. It seems to me like the S5 is not properly switching to a different tower when I walk around. It lets the reception get really low, the connection cuts, and after ~10s of having no network it will finally connect to another antenna. I know there is something wrong with the phone because with the same carrier+SIM card I never lose network in my area on my old S4.

So my question is, is this a software problem or could it be hardware?

  • Probably hardware, since it sounds like the radio is damaged or limited somehow.
    – Dan Brown
    Commented Aug 6, 2016 at 7:48

1 Answer 1


It was a software problem. Switching to android 5 fixed the issue.

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