I recently bought a new phone and decided to play with my old LG P690 with Gingerbread 2.3.4.

I want to root it using a Linux PC. I tried to exploit it using psneuter and zergRush. I pushed them into the phone and gave it executable permissions. Both tools are failed to obtain root access.

Rebooting into recovery mode just factory resets the phone without asking a thing.

Are there any other options left to root the phone?

2 Answers 2


In my experience I've had multiple devices rooted with KingoRoot It's pretty easy as it requires only a few clicks. You can see that in the Devices that your model is supported.


I was too hasty in saying psneuter and zergRush didn't work. Despite the fact the exploits indicated failure. Upon next reboot when I attempted to try something I got a root shell in the adb shell. So they indeed worked.

Lesson learned: even if the exploits indicate failure try rebooting they might have actually worked.

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