i'm used to setup computers with linux-distributions pretty often, so i partly automatized it with a shell script...
now also the amount of android-devices i have to setup/configure starts to increase and i'm wondering if there is a applicable way to automatize it.
is there a android-app, a desktop software (linux preferred) or some other way (maybe adb
and a script) to set several system-settings, uninstall/deactivate pre-installed apps, install apps and maybe also set their settings.
the devices are completely mixed but all used without google-account! - phones and tablets are from different manufactures with no particular android version; also some devices run with custom roms but not all will be rooted.
i know the demands are pretty high, so i'm afraid there won't be an exact answer which accomplishes everything and therefore also answers with partial successes (e.g. restricted to special android-versions, rooted devices, etc.) or also ideas/hints in a good direction will be welcome!
this question was inspired by @gyuriscs question on Software Recommendations: https://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/38977/configuring-android-phones-from-pc
adb backup/restore
) via single files (one backup per app), and also scripts to disable apps you've had disabled, and some more. Not the complete thing, but quite a bit.