
I've just got the Ubuntu One app on my Android device to sync files between my Android device and my desktop computer. I see that the app has the ability to automatically sync uploaded photos, can it also sync other files?

If I download a text file from my Ubuntu One with this app and edit it on my Android, how do I sync that file?

  • Question locked because Ubuntu One cloud service doesn't exist anymore.
    – Andrew T.
    Commented Aug 19 at 15:48

3 Answers 3


I use an app called FolderSync in conjunction with Cryptonite. The former can synchronize any directory on your SD card with a number of cloud providers. The latter handles encryption. You would use EncFS on the desktop to run the encryption there.


It works similar to DropBox. You put a new text file into your Ubuntu One folder on your PC, you check the app in your phone, and that same file will be there waiting for you. It works both ways.

  • 2
    It does NOT work both ways. The app doesn't support syncing.
    – user13391
    Commented May 24, 2012 at 19:55
  • I just added a folder through the app and went to the website and it was there waiting for me. I believe that is syncing? Commented May 24, 2012 at 21:50
  • 1
    Syncing would be if you add a file to your one folder on the sdcard and it would show up on your pc.
    – user13391
    Commented May 25, 2012 at 7:56

Dropbox is doing the trick for me! Now I can edit the same file both in Vim on PC and in "DB Text Editor" on my Android phone. All synced in second in both directions.

  1. Instal DB both on your Ubuntu and Android.

  2. Make link to any folder inside Ubuntu One folder on PC (say "My texts") and move such link into your Dropbox folder on PC.

  3. Put some file to "My texts" and try to edit on both devices.

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