Is the IP address of a data connection assigned every time whenever a fresh connection is established (e.g after a disconnect-reconnect scenario, reboot etc) or its preserved.
I have done a bit of research on this topic but there are slightly different views. The first one is affirmative:
Whether the IP address is reachable from the public Internet, however, depends on your ISP; most mobile ISPs operate a NAT that multiplexes several network-internal IP addresses through a single address visible to the public Internet. The externally visible IP address may change on the fly as you move around from cell tower to cell tower. Your external IP will, however, change when you reconnect to your network 1
On the other hand, some suggest that the same IP address is maintained even on reconnection after reboot but only changes when the lease expires
Phones use DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) to obtain new IP addresses from the carrier when the lease on the address expires. You don't get a new IP address every time the phone reboots, only when you restart the phone and the lease on the IP address has expired. 2
I do understand the concept of DHCP and that new IP addreses are assigned whenever the lease expires (some suggest usually after 24 hours or so) but my confusion is that if the lease is still valid and I do disconnect and reconnect mobile data, do I get assigned a new IP or the existing one is kept?