How do I delete backed up photos from my gallery (Samsung S4 mini).

Please note: I took photos with my phone camera. Those photos were uploaded to Google maps. Once they were uploaded I deleted the photos. But those photos still show in gallery. It won't let me delete it. When I click on the photos there is no "delete icon (dustbin)". It gives an options to share the photos but not to delete them. Please help.

  • You need to log into the Google photo app and delete them from there.
    – esQmo_
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 13:09

1 Answer 1


If there's no option to delete, then they're already gone from your device. Google keeps a thumbnail available for you so that you can see the photo, share, etc., without taking up a ton of storage on your phone.

If you want them really gone, you'll need to go to Google Photos and delete them from there. (Actually, they'll go into the Trash, where they'll be auto-deleted in 3 days, but they'll get removed from your photo gallery on your phone.)

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