I have a rooted Cubot Max (Not Max 2) Android 6.0 phone that has an interesting habit: it changes the MAC Address every time I log into a WLAN. The WLAN MAC address usually looks like 00:08:22:xx:xx:xx. The second part is random. In the beginning, it was funny, but now I want to stop it.

I read the MAC address from Settings > About the phone > Status. There is no spoofing software on it. It seems that this is a normal reaction of hackers in China, they do not like constant MAC addresses.

Do you know if there is any secret setting there I could take a look at?


2 Answers 2


The randomization of MAC Address is a security feature of Android 6.0, the OS changes the MAC address when a background scan of the network is initiated.

When a device running Android 6.0 (API level 23) initiates a background Wi-Fi or Bluetooth scan, the operation is visible to external devices as originating from a randomized MAC address.


Here you may find details about the randomization: https://source.android.com/docs/core/connect/wifi-mac-randomization-behavior?hl=en


In current Android versions, each SSID has its own setting for randomization. It is possible that this may be present in rooted Android6 as well. To stop the randomization -

  • Go into Settings
  • Select Connections
  • Select Wifi (long press if necessary)
  • Select the SSID you want to fix it for
  • Once connected, press the Gear Wheel
  • Press on View more at the bottom of the screen
  • Scroll Down until you see MAC Address Type
  • Its a drop down, change it from Random to Phone MAC

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