I use an app called "Live Video Wallpaper" or LVW which is basically a live wallpaper that allows you to select a video as your live wallpaper.

I have no problem with it but I accidentally checked the "Do Not Ask Again" option when I was asked whether or not I'd like to use my home screen wallpaper as my lock screen wallpaper too before I pressed no.

Now I have the problem that I can't set my home screen as my lock screen as well. Before, I used LVW as my home then set my Galaxy S2 to use it as my lock screen wallpaper as well but now with the option set to "NO" and the default set to "Do Not Ask Again", I can't do it anymore since live wallpapers normally cannot be set as lock screens (LVW was my way to get around that).

Is there a way I can "Unset" that "Do Not Ask Again" option for using my home as my lock screen wallpaper as well? Sorry if I'm redundant.

  • Please click on the default-application tag I just applied to your question. This already has been asked several times, so you'll find the answer there.
    – Izzy
    Commented Feb 27, 2013 at 12:00
  • I believe you're referring to the similar question about the "Gallery" app. That however doesn't work/apply to my question after testing it that's why I asked this one specifically. Commented Feb 28, 2013 at 10:30

3 Answers 3


Try resetting the default wall paper setting by following these steps (described for Samsung's 4.0; see also this question):

Menu | Settings | Applications | All | TwWallpaperChooser | Clear defaults

If you also want to reset the settings of your wallpaper application follow these steps:

Menu | Settings | Applications | (said application) | Clear data

  • Could you please tell me which application it is? I'm not talking about Live Video Wallpaper as it isn't the problem. The problem I'm referring to is about the "Also use as my lock screen wallpaper" - "Do not ask again" setting. Commented Feb 28, 2013 at 10:29
  • If it's not a "default app" thing: Are you using a special lock-screen app? Or could it be your launcher taking care for that setting? In these cases, you might find it within the settings of those apps (instead of the system settings).
    – Izzy
    Commented Feb 28, 2013 at 10:51
  • I revised my answer to better address what I think may be the issue.
    – Itamar
    Commented Feb 28, 2013 at 13:50
  • Tried checking TwWallpaperChooser and it doesn't have the Clear defaults, cache, data option clickable. TwLauncher on the other hand has Clear data available only, same as the Live Video Wallpaper app(which isn't the problem). Commented Mar 2, 2013 at 5:15

I found this application in Play Store but I'm not sure if it works or not. Just give it a try its safe to use. Here - DefaultApp Reset


Go to Settings-->Apps-->Gallery (or any other Wallpaper browser app that you have used to set the wallpaper)-->Clear Data and Clear Cache.

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