I am currently abroad. I have internet on my PC via a RJ45 cable on Win7 PC. It works fine through a proxy (address + specific port).
Now I want to use my smartphone but there is no wireless connection in my room ...
So how to create a hotspot from my PC (which has a wireless card) so I can go online with my smartphone (which also has the wifi function)?
I tried the virtual router solution manager and Connectify and the classical solution proposed sites (control-> Network and Internet-> Network and Sharing-> new connection-> ad hoc wireless network -> name + password + WPA2) then share the map. But without success ... I mean the Android phone says I am connected but I can't reach anywebsite with chrome or the preinstalled Android Internet browser. Usually I succeed with this virtual router goal time is not working probably the raison de proxy application!
PS: If it's easier I'm also starting to connect my pc to the internet via usb cable. But rooter my smartphone as my smartphone procedure is complex ...