So about an hour ago I was texting and noticed that when I would try to hit certain letters using the on-screen keyboard that it would think I pressed the keys to the left or right of a certain area. It seemed like a deadspot to me and already I was disappointed but it wasn't a giant issue as I could just use the hardware keyboard til I got it fixed. Now, however, after ~1 minute of being booted up, the screen just starts going crazy, loading random applications, zooming in on stuff, flickering left and right like I was swiping it. I was wondering if anyone had any experience as to what can cause this (other than hardware failure) and if you think doing a factory reset will help at all (assuming I can get through the options fast enough before the screen goes nuts).
Also, before trying a factory reset, I was wondering what all is stored on the SD card by default. I'm not really worried about apps (I'll just re-download them) or contacts (synced with Google I believe), but more media (pictures / videos [both that I took and downloaded] / music). Now common sense would suggest that media items would all be stored on the SD card, but I know from experience not to assume things like this. If you could fill me in it would be much appreciated.