I have a Galaxy S3 4G. I also have a Pebble watch.

The Pebble watch uses the Accessibility service in order to project messages etc to your wrist. Unfortunately, this means certain other "features" apparently get enabled - like a voice announcement every time I open or close a folder. Which is less than helpful. And really annoying.

Is there any way to disable these particular advisories? I'm leery of disabling all voice apps entirely, since I still occasionally want access to things like turn instructions from Google Maps.

1 Answer 1


Found a solution that worked for me. From this page:

  • Go to Settings> Application Manager> All> Google Text To Speech Engine
  • Instead of disabling it entirely, hit "Clear Data"

Note: This solution may or may not be permanent (I have a feeling when I next actually use a feature with Voice, it will re-enable), but it's easily repeatable at need. It's mostly viable for me because I don't use such features terribly often. If you use Maps every day or whatever you might need to find a different answer.

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