I just picked up an HTC Droid Incredible a few days ago. I already had a Plantronics Discovery 975 headset, which I like, so I've been trying to use it with the phone. It pairs fine and does work, but I've been having some problems that make it not very usable.
Problem 1: The "Bluetooth in-call volume" always goes to minimum between calls, and I can't hear the voice prompts. It doesn't matter whether I raise the volume using the Bluetooth or the handset, it always goes back to minimum on the next call.
Problem 2: The standard Navigation app (Google Maps Navigation for mobile) doesn't work with the Bluetooth at all (even if I make sure it's connected before starting of the Navigation app). I have to speak into the handset and all sound comes out through the phone's speaker. I can't find any setting to change this.
Problem 3: The Voice Dialer also doesn't work through the Bluetooth. The only way I can use the Voice Dialer is to hold the main button on my Bluetooth for 3 seconds. If I activate it from the phone, I have to speak into the handset.
Does this mean my Discovery is just not compatible with the phone or is there something I can do with settings to get it to work properly?
If I do need a new Bluetooth, can you recommend one that works well with an Android phone (or even better, one that works well with an Incredible)?